Later on this term our students will be attending the KidsROAR incursion, to ensure they are empowered about their rights (Child Safe Standard 3).
We Are ROARsome’ – Foundation to Grade 4: The Primary years Personal Safety Programs are designed to empower children with simple strategies if faced with an unsafe situation including potential abuse.
Learning Intentions – At the end of the Program, students will be able to:
We Can ‘ROAR’ Workshop – Grades 5 & 6: The Grade 5/6 ‘We Can ROAR’ workshop supports students in establishing and maintaining respectful and safe relationships. This two hour interactive program not only includes further education on personal safety, but it also addresses the important concepts of Respect, Consent, Bullying and the Law, consequences of Choices and Social Media safety.
*Respect and Consent
*Personal Safety
*Choices – Legal Consequences
We are offering an online parent session in the lead up to the classroom session which I would strongly encourage you to attend an on Tuesday 13 August at 7:30pm. More information will be published closer to the date.