We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on classroom apps such as XUNO.Please refer to our photographs, video or recordings of students process at https://www.woorannaparkps.vic.edu.au/page/28/Photographing,-Filming-and-Recording-Please note this notice applies to photographs, video or recordings of students that are collected, used and disclosed by the school. We ask that any parents/carers or other members of our school community photographing, filming or recording students at school events (e.g. concerts, sports events etc) do so in a respectful and safe manner and that any photos, video or recordings (“images” of students) are not publicly posted e.g. to a social media account without the permission of the relevant parent/carer.
If you do not understand any aspect of this notice, or you would like to talk about any concerns you have, please contact our school on 9795 2007 or email: Wooranna.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au